

My name is Ore Landau.


I live in Petach Tikwa, Israel.


I’m on my last year of junior high.


I have discovered the magical world of Linux two years ago when a friend of mine came up with a initiative to install Fedora Terminal Server in our school’s computers. Here’s his site: http://edultsp.googlepages.com/


Since then, I have installed and used Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo and many other. But in the end, I always come back to fedora J


Only today I have discovered all this new ways to help and contribute to the Fedora project.


I’ve always felt that the Hebrew Fedora port was lacking a lot of stuff, and that’s why I’m here.


In the past, I’ve also helped in translating Gmail to Hebrew.

I’m a C# and C++ programmer and I know how to handle HTML, PHP, Perl and JS very well.

I also have a great knowledge with MS Windows.


Here is my GPG command output:


[Ore4444@Fedora ~]# gpg --fingerprint ore4444@gmail.com

pub   1024D/836A8E90 2007-04-14

      Key fingerprint = EBE2 F45E 2819 C2F2 EC10  E8D0 6E77 F0B1 836A 8E90

uid                  Ore Landau <ore4444@gmail.com>

sub   2048g/03D4C336 2007-04-14


Thank you for reading my application J

Have a good day!


Ore :-)