Hello, introducing myself
Name: Emerson Santos
Location: João Pessoa, Brazil
FAS: em3rson
Language: brazilian portuguese pt-br
Profession: Support analyst and computer network technician.
About Me: I want to contribute to the translation and revision of all possible material within the Fedora Project.
A technical summary about me can be seen in my Wiki: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Em3rson
Fedora Project: Currently I contribute to the QA team and answering questions in Ask.Fedora. I'm in the evaluation process to becoming ambassador and awaiting approval in the Free Media team.
GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
pub 2048R/0E70B8F8 2016-08-12
Key fingerprint = 8132 4305 C23F 33F6 76E3 9B46 5D40 9AB3 0E70 B8F8
uid Emerson Santos (Fedora Project) <em3rson@linuxmail.org>
sub 2048R/8342620C 2016-08-12