Hello and sorry for the late response,

gnome-abrt got its header fixed (through cli client), so plural forms and translation are good there.
currently, the only other* project which I've found need fixing is anaconda (only for consistency, the dual form in all strings is exactly the same as the plural form, and should be),
but I haven't been able to fix its header because it has multiple documents in each branch (and they're overriding each other).

I haven't yet found other translated** projects making use of plural forms.. but I'll keep searching.

Many thanks,


* completely tui utilities should probably not get translated in hebrew (dnf, for example, also make use of plural forms) - only strings appearing in gui should
** projects which (will be) translated after header replacements (will) have good header.

2016-10-14 1:34 GMT+03:00 Rafal Luzynski <digitalfreak@lingonborough.com>:

29.09.2016 20:53 ניב באר <bloop93@gmail.com> wrote:
>  update: it seems updating the .po header is possible when uploading through
> cli,
>  but only for project with only one document.
>  project with multiple documents have them overriding each other

Guys, what is the current status of this issue? Have you managed to fix
plural rules for Hebrew in all projects in Zanata, or at least in all
projects you wanted to be fixed? Do you need more assistance?

