What about "Master Librarian" (The main person keeping an eye on all books in the library, wise person, master of all knowledge) ?

On 29 September 2016 at 06:42, Jean-Baptiste <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr> wrote:
Le 19/09/2016 à 18:49, Piotr Drąg a écrit :
2016-09-19 17:38 GMT+02:00 Domingo Becker <domingobecker@gmail.com>:
It looks like a pillar is an admin. Why not admin ?

You still have the role developers for higher level needs.

I agree with Domingo. The simpler name is preferable, and admin seems
to fit the role perfectly.

Best regards,

Ok, we have an agreement for the content but not on the name.

I'm afraid I do not like "admin" :
 * it may sounds "bureaucratic" or "technical",
 * it doesn't bring any allusion to the great work needed to support community activities,
 * for a language focused team, shoudn't we be "a little" more innovative in the word we use, aren't we people who love the words?

If someone ask me : "Hey, who is Noriko/Piotr/yourNameHere ? This name is everywhere!". I want to answer something that is actually meaningful to represent the involvement of the contributor.
Answering "Admin" is just gonna be understand has: the-guy-in-the-basement.

Pillars was in continuation of the inverted pyramid, we probably can add more poetry if you wish.

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

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