If you use --merge-type auto (default option), zanata will determine if the content is newer and replace it. 

You can see the help by using zanata-cli --help.

When you pull, it will replace your local content with the ones from Zanata.

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Jean-Baptiste <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr> wrote:
Le 06/05/2016 à 09:41, Alex Eng a écrit :
The reason was zanata-cli can't find source files (pot) in your directory.

I suggest instead of downloading the zip and trying to push, I would use
zanata-cli to pull both source and trans `zanata-cli pull --pull-type both`
Make your edit, and use `zanata-cli push --push-type trans --locales fr`.

Ok, it works fine thank you.
But... --quiet doesn't : it still gives me every INFO messages when pushing content.

Strangely, it pushes everything, but the result is ok (only my modified file has "Last Translated 06/05/16 13:52 by jibecfed").

Can it merge content or only replace ?
I mean : while I'm editing on my computer, some does one modification. Does it tell it to me ? If I pull again, does it keep my modification and merge content ?
Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
trans mailing list

Alex Eng