Ignore the last e-mail I sent, It lacked subject title

Name: Jonathan Muttini Topanotti
Location: Criciúma, SC, Brazil

​Login: jtopanotti​
Language: Native english, fluent portuguese (portuguese translation).
Profession/Student status: Programmer at Ema Software, currently majoring in Computer Science.

Hello, I'm an American-Brazilian Computer Science student looking to participate in the Fedora project. I have never worked on an open-source project before, but I`m very much eager to start.​​
On my free time I study C/C++ and Python, and  I look forward to contributing to Fedora's development in the future.

​You and the Fedora Project: I`ve had a taste of many major GNU/Linux distros, such as Debian and OpenSUSE, but the one i truly feel confortable with is Fedora. As mentioned before, I`m interested in contributing to other Fedora projects, mainly focused in programming, but I`m happy to contribute in any ways possible!

​Fingerprint:​ 4145 291E DD8B 5F13 207A  6E1E 682D 7538 0FDB ABE7