Hi Dimtris,

I hope you don't take offense by my questions. I am just trying to understand. Also, I think you are doing a great job. Good that you are trying to fix the problems with different VCS:es and all the other work you've done...

However, I do not like that situation where everyone is using all different VSCs. I can just see all the problems that will happen. Why can't Fedora just decide on one VCS for all projects? If Fedora is going to do such a radical change to use many different VCS, then the whole system has to be up and working before they can do the switch.

Right now I don't have much time to do anything. Otherwise I would throw everything in one CVS, so people can continue translating as before.
It feels like I don't know which leg to stand on. Install 4 different VCS:es, just use web download, wait for Dimitris workaround or just stop translating. Messy.

On 7/30/07, Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@glezos.com> wrote:
O/H Magnus Larsson έγραψε:
> So different project use different VCS? And you have to have an account
> on each of them OR use Transifex (which is in "early stage"...)? Is this
> correct?

Right. The first part of the sentence was true before as well -- different
projects had their PO files hosted in different VCSs (the Docs project comes in
mind). It's just that now we (will) have a tool to bridge this gap and enable
both translators and developers to live happily ever after :)

Of course, nobody stops us (or someone from the team to be more specific) from
temporarily dumping all the PO files that interest the FLP in `/cvs/l10n` until
we deploy Transifex.

We're in a testing phase right now. Drop by #fedora-l10n if you'd like to help
test it in the next few days. ;-)


> On 7/27/07, * Karsten Wade* < kwade@redhat.com <mailto:kwade@redhat.com>>
> wrote:
>     On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 23:51 -0400, Magnus Larsson wrote:
>     > I like the new translation pages. That's an improvement.
>     >
>     > Not sure I understand, but it looks like the translations are now
>     > stored in 9 different repositories using 3 different version control
>     > systems?
>     > Is this going to change or?
>     > (I would prefer using one version control system pointing to one
>     > repository....)
>     To goal of Transifex (that Dimitris is working on) is to make it not
>     matter which VCS a module is in.  All the translation can be done
>     through translate.fp.org <http://translate.fp.org>.  Including any
>     upstream/outside project that
>     wants to be hooked in.
>     We continue to use CVS as the main VCS for Fedora, but some projects
>     wanted to use a new/different VCS.  Transifex makes it possible to
>     translate for those projects _without_ using the native VCS tools (hg,
>     git, svn, cvs).  If you prefer to interact directly with the VCS and
>     have an account, you can do that as well.

Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos@jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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