Name: Zhou Qizhi
Location: Beijing,China
Login: zhouqz
Language: Chinese
Profession: Java Developer
About Me:
I have been a Java developer for three years after I graduated from college at 2013, I use Ubuntu as my desktop environment in office, and use LinuxMint at home, I like them and hope to be one of the contributors to make them better.
Me and the Fedora Project:
I used to be a user of Fedora and participated in the Fedora Release Party F19 Beijing, I would like to do something to help people know and use Linux and Fedora better, and have decided to start with the L10N project, as my mentor suggested.
GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
pub   2048R/DC9F574F 2016-10-18
      Key fingerprint = B1AB 56C2 3B6F 128B 74F0  0F0C FA77 11B3 DC9F 574F
uid                  周奇志 (Zhou Qizhi) <>
sub   2048R/FE5E020B 2016-10-18