
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 11:05 PM, John Poelstra <poelstra@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Translators,

For each milestone on our schedule I'm trying to make sure we have a
wiki page (link) explaining what it is and what the requirements are
around it.


Is there a wiki page already in existence that we can point to for
"Software Translation Deadline?"  Something like
would be excellent in that it helps people know what the deadline means
and what they need to do or what the consequences are of not meeting the
deadline are

If a page does not exist could someone create one and provide the link
to me?  This will go a long way towards helping to make it clear to
everyone working on our releases what our processes are.  In turn
hopefully this makes it easier for everyone to understand and follow
them. :)

Thank you,
trans mailing list

Page created at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SoftwareTranslationDeadline

Was this what you were looking for ? I have not put in any details here. Mainly because I have no idea what all to write here. I can make some edits if some one can guide me here.
