Tim <ignored_mailbox(a)yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 09:13 -0700, Gordon Charrick wrote:
>> > Occasionally, if I left click on a link, instead of FF opening the
>> > link in the current window, it will open a new window maybe 75% of the
>> > size and open the link there. This window has no decoration other than
>> > a titlebar. The "main" FF window acts like a program that is hung
>> > somewhat.
> That sort of thing is usually down to user-un-friendly webmasters doing
> annoying things in their authoring.
>> > The nasty thing is that if I click on the X in the upper right corner
>> > to close the new child window, it completely kills FF, even if there
>> > are several tabs open. I can generally refresh the page and the window
>> > goes away and open properly in the main window. It's really annoying
>> > and I can't reproduce it at will but it does happen often.
> That shouldn't happen, I'd report that as a bug. Just for curiosity's
> sake, do you get the same thing happening if you close this extra window
> when using the ALT & F4 hotkeys to close a window? (Make sure the right
> window is active, first.)
I've seen this behavior too. Usually it occurs after FF has been
running for a while. What's weird is that some link on a site won't
cause a problem when the running copy of FF is fresh. Return to the
site after "a while" and click on the same link again and the problem
occurs. I didn't file a bug since I can't reliably reproduce the
problem. At least it's not as annoying as the old "take all of the CPU"
bug that used to occur with about the same frequency.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce