Hi all!
Just a note to throw out here, in case Tim W. or anyone else finds the
information helpful.
I have, until earlier this year, run Fedora on my eeepc 901. When F15
came out I played with it as a live CD and didn't really like the gnome
changes, so I've moved on to other Linuxen.
But my purpose in posting here:
as late as F14 and F15, when I'm given to understand the printer
configuration tools should be able to autodetect and configure most
printers, I found that for my Brother HL-2070N I needed to manually
configure it. why? well,... the "new printer" option in the printer
setup utility (is it system-printer-config ???) would never figure out
what kind of printer it was even if it did otherwise find it out there
on the LAN. I figured it was just one of those printers that didn't
announce itself with enough detail for the system to auto-config.
Well, time goes by and I try playing with a Linux-Mint 12 live cd, and
to my astonishment I find that when I choose to add a new printer, I
dont' have to enter ANY settings, it "just works".
Note that I HAVE NOT tried using F16 to configure this printer on this
netbook, perhaps it works just as well, now, as does Linux-Mint 12, I
dunno. But certainly Mint gives me a better experience, in this regard,
than did F14 or F15.
Consider this just a note to offer a suggestion on where you may be able
to look to find out more of how some printers can be diagnosed successfully,
in case you've not already achieved this in the latest versions.
And even though I"m not currently using Fedora, I appreciate all the work
you guys have done, and still think Fedora is a great distribution.
Thanks muchly!
---- Fred Smith -- fredex(a)fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.
------------------------------ Philippians 4:13 -------------------------------