Hello everyone,
I know that you can install fedora via a usb flash drive using any of
the live images but i perfer to use the install dvd due to more control
over whats installed etc how can i copy the install dvd iso to a flash
drive so i can have a fedora install flash drive so i can avoid burning
a dvd with each new release id rather just update the flash drive with
the install dvd image. ive been able to do this using a live dvd image
but not the install dvd image any thoughts?
I have two ideas.
1st, server-optimized Fedora.
It's stable and small pack of Fedora that support only server-side.
2nd, web-desktop Fedora.
It's desktop like Google Chrome OS, but all apps by Web transparent.
Trying to dl F18 beta. Public mirror list shows which mirrors support
rsync. But I don't know how to find dir path to iso. Hovering mouse
over rsync link doesn't show full path to iso.
rsync -Pv rsync://mirror---------------/Fedora-18-Beta-x86_64-DVD.iso .
Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada