If this is a repeat, my apologies; I sent it several days ago
and haven't seen it in the "piper" history.
If this is a repeat, my apologies; I sent it several days ago
and haven't seen it in the "piper" history.
I have done hard disk installs using dvd.iso in the past several tilmes:
f11,f12, f14, all using something llke
title Install Fedora 14 hd0,0 sda1, repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/df14iso
root (hd0,0) #sda1
kernel /f14install/vmlinuz-install repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/df14iso
initrd /f14install/initrd.img-install
I presume the above would still work for f19
with obvious changes using grub2.
lately I have attempted using f19 netinst.iso.,
for which I found following advice
menuentry 'Fedora 19 netinst' {
linux /vmlinuz-install stage2=hd:/dev/sda9:root/Fedora-19-i386-netinst.iso
initrd /initrd.img-install
Note "stage2=' not "repo="
Is "stage2=" intended only for netinst.iso,
"repo=" intended only for dvd,iso ?
or, just when can I use "stage2="
just when can I use "repo=" ?
I tried the above menuentry 'Fedora 19 netinst' with its "stage2="
and the installer came up
but I couldn't manage the installer--
it seemed to insist on using all available space,
and I could find no way to change that.
and the install failed,
with my usb external now forrmatted with 4 more large partitions.
These I probably can remove with gparted........
If there is any general advice re
using dvd.iso vs netinst.iso
it would be greatly appreciated