El 24/10/17 a las 5:28, Robert McBroom escribió:
> On 10/23/2017 05:29 PM, José María Terry Jiménez wrote:
>> Try adding vers=1.0 or vers=2.0 (the higher that works) to your options.
>> This way:
>> mount -t cifs '// Storage' /mnt/external -o
>> username=xx,password=yyy,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,domain=Seagategroup,vers=1.0
>> _______________________________________________
> Thanks José the fix works, found Torvald's disparaging remarks on
> legacy systems. Getting to be a major problem with firmware and
> vendors promises of support a vapor that vanishes far sooner than the
> systems they've sold. The IOT builds problems into everything from
> light-bulbs to refrigerators with the product lifetime much longer
> than the vendor attention span. Seagate and HP are ones that have
> particularly offended me. Enough ranting.
You're welcome,
Note that in older Samba servers, it may help add also the sec=ntlm
option with 1.0 version, this way:
Note this is completly insecure, but some servers need it. I found it
useful when connecting to an old SCO Unix OSE 5.0 with (its) oooold
SAMBA (from Skunkware).