For the past few days, most every step of using yahoo e-mail in
Thunderbird is taking minutes rather than seconds. Examples: log in,
selecting a folder, selecting a message. I've changed nothing. I
looked at Thunderbird help. I saw in a different, very recent problem
that the user was advised to change his authentication method.
The authentication methods that Thunderbird offers for IMAP, SSL/TLS are
Normal password, Encrypted password, Kerberos / GSSAPI, NTLM, TLS
Certificate, OAuth2.
I do not have a cell phone or any texting or social networking accounts,
so I cannot use 2-factor.
1. Am I correct is believing that nothing that I did in the "unwanted
checks for updates." thread would cause these problems?
2. What are the advantages, disadvantages, and security risks of each of
the 6 authentication methods offered by Thunderbird for yahoo e-mail?