Hi folks,
I have a problem with Gnome-Keyrings, my filesystem seems to be flooded
by millions of *.keyring.temp-* files in directory .gnome2/keyrings.
I have a home server (CentOS 8) where the files are located. On my
workstation (Fedora 33 XFCE Spin) I mount it via autofs and sshfs into
the /home-Directory.
I do not have a good understanding of what Gnome Keyrings does, but in
my eyes I have a "standard" installation, I can' t remember that I did
something that brought it onto my workstation, I expect that Gnome
Keyring was already there after the initial installation of the
workstation. Because the file system on the workstation is mounted from
a server my problem might be caused by any restrictions on the server
(i.e. SELinux or whatever), but because it is mounted via sshfs I expect
that the server is "innocent" as far as an ssh from the workstation to
the server works. For that reason I post to the Fedora mailing list.
I did some investigation that shows, that at probably random points in
time each time 64999 temp files are create in .gnome2/keyrings, so after
some minutes I have millions of files there. Following my analysis.
The OS version is
cat /etc/redhat-release
Fedora release 33 (Thirty Three)
and just for completeness, but probably not important, the XFCE version is
xfce4-about -V
xfce4-about 4.14.1 (Xfce 4.14)
SSH from workstation to server works fine
ssh sysadmin@server3 "ls -d ~/disk1/home_meikel"
and the file system is mounted
LANG="" df -h /home/meikel
Filesystem Size Used Avail
Use% Mounted on
sysadmin@server3:/home/sysadmin/disk1/home_meikel/ 1007G 747G 210G
79% /home/meikel
After some minutes/hours of working on the workstation the directory
.gnome2/keyrings/ seems to be flooded by hundred of thousands of temp
files, the directory listing takes about one and a half minute (!!!):
cd /home/meikel
time ls -l .gnome2/keyrings/ | wc -l
real 1m28,358s
user 0m4,642s
sys 0m3,831s
Home-Server (via ssh):
The OS version is
cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 8.4.2105
After some time (this example was taken during the same day, some hours
later) the situation is the same, meanwhile there are some millions of
temp files:
cd /home/sysadmin/disk1/home_meikel/.gnome2/keyrings/
time ls -l | wc -l
real 0m49,023s
user 0m27,330s
sys 0m22,120s
Further investigation:
To understand what are those millions of files I did a
ls -l .gnome2/keyrings/ > /tmp/gnome-keyrings-3.txt
and some further manually investigation. Following I give the beginning
of /tmp/gnome-keyrings-3.txt where I manually replaced multiple
occurrences of the same line by "--> xxx times". There seems to be a
pattern where in each point of time it tries for 64999 times to create a
temp file:
total 10438868
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 20:39
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 20:39 --> 64997 times
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 20:39
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:35
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:35 --> 64997 times
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:35
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:32
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:32 --> 64997 times
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 19:32
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 18:42
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 18:42 --> 64997 times
-rw-------. 64999 sysadmin sysadmin 1162 Jun 5 18:42
... many more ...
The word "Trousseau_de_clés_par_défaut" (it is french) means something
like "default keyring". To find a pattern in the timestamps to
understand when those temp files are created I ran
cut -c 42-53 gnome-keyrings-3.txt | sort | uniq
Jun 2 07:28
Jun 5 10:52
May 22 08:12
May 28 08:35
but due to the "sort" the result is now unsorted (!!!), there is a break
in the sorting between June and May. I' m not sure if I really need to
sort before uniq-ify the output. As it' s a result of "ls -l" it might
already be sorted by timestamp. However I need a further step to sort
output by timestamp, so I ran
cut -c 42-53 gnome-keyrings-3.txt | sort | uniq | while read d ; do
date +%s -d "${d}" ; done | sort | while read d ; do date -d @${d} ; done
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So at each of these timestamps the number of 64999 temp files is created
in .gnome2/keyrings. I can't see any pattern in those points of time, I
don't understand for what reason there need to be created the temp files
at theses times and why always 64999 times at the same moment. From time
to time I manually delete the files by running (as root)
find . -name "*.temp-*" -delete
which is not really satisfying. Any ideas what is the reason that these
millions of temp files are created? Why do I need Gnome Keyrings? Can I
get rid of that software to solve the problem?