merely out of curiosity, I asked your question on ChatGPT. Here's the answer:
To prevent Fedora from going to sleep when no user is logged in, you can modify
the power settings and systemd configurations. Here are the steps to change
this behavior:
1. Open Terminal: Open a terminal on your Fedora system.
2. Check the Current Power Settings:
To see the current power settings, you can use the following command:
gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power
This will show you the current values and settings for power management.
3. Modify Power Settings:
To change the behavior when no user is logged in, you can set the
sleep-inactive-ac-timeout and sleep-inactive-battery-timeout values to -1,
which effectively disables sleep. Run the following commands:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power
sleep-inactive-battery-timeout -1
4. Check Systemd Configuration:
You should also check your systemd configuration to ensure that it's not
overriding your power settings. Run the following command to display the
current settings:
sudo systemctl show sleep.target
Look for a line that starts with InactiveExitTimestamp. If it's set to yes, it
means the system will go to sleep when no user is logged in. To disable this,
run the following command:
sudo systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target
5. Reboot: After making these changes, it's a good idea to reboot your
system to ensure that the new settings take effect.
After following these steps, your Fedora system should no longer go to sleep
when no user is logged in, even when the power mode is set to "performance."
Seems quite ok to me...
Best regards,
Iosif Fettich