I would like to set one of the following
1) shutdown now and restart at a given time,
2) shutdown (halt) and restart automatically when the next power
with be back on (of course at the shutdown, the power will be on,
it will be turned off for a couple of hours, and it will be
Actually, this will be done more or less automatically if I do not
do anything, except that the shutdown will be hard when the power
will be turned off. It may be at risk.
Option, can I turn the machine to sleep before the turn off the power?
Patrick DUPRÉ | | email: pdupre(a)gmx.com
Laboratoire interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne
9 Avenue Alain Savary, BP 47870, 21078 DIJON Cedex FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0)380395988 | | Room# D114A