On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 6:56 AM, Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com> wrote:
The full unifi software is java with a mongodb database backend and works fine. I have a RPM I created, the only problem I haven't been able to fix is the selinux issues, one for the private mongodb instance, and then the ports it binds to. 
Please open a bugzilla for the SELinux issues.

Before I open a BZ, here's what I have in my spec file which from what I understand should be persistent...

/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -e /var/lib/mongod "/var/lib/unifi/logs(/.*)?"
/usr/sbin/semanage fcontext -e /var/lib/mongod "/var/lib/unifi/data(/.*)?"
/usr/sbin/semanage port -m -t mongod_port_t 27117

Or should this be handled in a policy?
