On Wed, 2022-01-05 at 01:19 -0800, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 1/5/22 01:00, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
Wayland is very flaky, crashes of various kinds, sometimes killing
individual apps, sometimes an entire session.  I can't reproduce the
crashes reliably; they happen when they happen. The only thing that may
be relevant is that I am running Firefox with many (probably too many)
windows and tabs.

It's probably not Wayland.  When it happens, check the journal.  It's
likely the OOM killer.

BTW: KDE is now better.  No artifacts running X11, after nothing but investigating and replying to your email.  Go figure...

Sincerely Jonathan Ryshpan <jonrysh@pacbell.net>

	If thousands of volunteers can make an operating system
	that doesn't crash, thousands of highly paid engineers
	should be able to do it, too. Then why don't they?
	-- Al Fasoldt