Hi Stan,

Thank you for the answer and clarifying a few things. 


On 5 mar 2020, 22:03 +0100, stan via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>, wrote:
On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 12:37:02 +0000
Łukasz Piekarski <roypen@outlook.com> wrote:


My name is Łukasz, but to make things easier, I often write Lukas.

Hi Lukas, welcome to Fedora.

However, I would
like to contribute more to Fedora and focus on one or two areas. I
have a FAS account (which I'm actively using) and I saw that there
are a lot of groups to join. At this stage, I think I could help with
testing and maybe the translations. I'm curious, where do you
recommend to start? Where is the help most needed?

This is the users' list, so most of the people here are just *users* of
Fedora. The people who *make* Fedora mostly hang out on other lists,
like devel.
The people who *test* Fedora mostly hang
out on the test list.
You'll have much better luck with your questions there.
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