Downloading failed: Didn't install any keys
[root@localhost ~]#

        Clue, please?

I never could get the GPG part of the Rpmfusion repo to work with fedup. I ended up using --nogpgcheck (yes I am aware of the risks of doing that) so that I could get fedup to complete. Once I had done the upgrade, I had to manually correct some of the symlinks in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg to get further updates to work properly without --nogpgcheck.

There is a point during the upgrade process where the generic symlink RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-x86_64 has to be changed from pointing to the F20 key to pointing to the F21 key, and this isn't working right. This seems like more of an rpmfusion problem than a Fedora problem. So I ran with --nogpgcheck, then manually fixed the symlink afterwards. My updates work fine now.
