I guess Goodwin's Law didn't kill this thread, as there was another posting after it was invoked ;-)

Sorry, guy (you who started this thread), that you are frustrated with the permissions and yur inability to get them to do what you want. I did not follow your thread from the beginning, so I do not know what your specific concern is. However, I can talk about my own experience, which might help you along the road to understanding.

When I began, I also had some difficulties getting it set up - by default - to do what I wanted, which in my case was full access for ME, as it is MY computer and ALL of the data is MINE. Period.

Well, a long time of fiddling and chmod-ding the permissions of files finally lead to an understanding of the setting of a default umask in /etc/bashrc and my problems have vanished.

I had to go back and correct the permissions of the existing data, but all new files created now automatically have the permission I want and I feel that my data is secure.

I created a guest account on my system to verify this. I cannot look at the material in guest and guest cannot get at my stuff, but both of us can use the data (the cliparts, mp3, etc).

I am not sure what yu are/were trying to achieve, but this has worked very well for me after a bit of perseverance, learning and fiddling. And I feel my data is secure and I can allow a guest to use my system without me having to worry that he might accidentally delete my music files, for example.

Permissions allow you to do all of this.

On 4/20/05, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <riteshsarraf@users.sourceforge.net > wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Kevin wrote:

> And don't bother flaming me because I am unregistering
> from the list, removing Fedora from my computers, and
> moving to a more stable (non-perpetual beta) OS which
> gave me less headaches and stress.
> Bye Bye :)

People like you leaving the list don't make much of a difference. Its better
to have lazy and cowards out who take everything for granted without even
trying to read plain english.

Your problem had only one option required to work. FAT32's can be mounted
with the 'umask' option.
umask=0000 would have solved your problem.

Bye Bye

- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
Gnupg Key ID: 04F130BC
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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