On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Fennix <cn.stefan@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Tim <ignored_mailbox@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 11:29 -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> This file was copied from OO in F-10 but I have set the permissions to
> 776:
>     [bobg@box9 ootext]$ ll
>     total 12
>     -rwxrwxrw-. 1 bobg root 9554 2009-10-07 09:42 bp-meds.090827.odt

The group ownership is rather telling.  Why is there a "root" in there?
And what do you mean by copied from OO?  Open a file from one place in
OpenOffice.org and saved to somewhere else?  Something else?  What's the
process that your files have been through from initial creation to you
working on them?  Any backups in the middle?  And, if so, how were they

None of *my* files ever get "root" in the user or group ownerships.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Hmmm, I have changed one file named unknown.odt  to permissions of 776 with ownership fennix:root and subsequently have no difficulty with editing and saving my changes. This file is also is on the data disk that has been remounted after installation/upgrade through 4 fedora versions and retaining my user and group id's (uid and gid) which always is the same.  But if your files are somehow "copied" rather than the originals as mine are perhaps some other question is involved.  My user ID is just the installation default so has no groups added to it such as root.  My uid and gid is always 500.  I always use the default OO package supplied from Fedora.  There seems to be more involved with whatever you have done through your upgrade process and perhaps we have not yet asked the right question yet.


Forgot to mention the file unknown.odt was not just created to test your question.  It is a file from 2005.10.27 and predates my current data disk by several years (so was copied there from another disk(s) and was created on a 4 year old version of OO).  I have never changed the ownership nor permissions on this file until today to test your question and to attempt to duplicate your problem.

