Hey Tom!

So.. If I undertand the overall point. Most linux flavors are more or less moving in the same direction.. Just some a bit faster than others..

Heaven or Hell!!


On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 6:52 PM, Tom Horsley <horsley1953@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 18:43:09 -0400
bruce wrote:

> But, the whole systemd/dnf stuff... is that really useful, as opposed to
> the philosophy of some of the other flavors?

There is no other flavor. Systemd will assimilate you. Every
distro uses it now (as near as I can tell). DNF is totally separate
(so far, though you never know what new piece of linux systemd
will engulf).

The debian/ubuntu flavors use .deb files rather than .rpm files
and have tools that do much the same jobs, but are slightly
different than the .rpm/yum/dnf world.