From: "dileepa.tissera dileepa.tissera" <>
Date: Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 12:32:38
To: "Community support for Fedora users" <>
Subject: RE: A question about switching kernels

Hello Samuel,


Thank you.

Interesting thing is, although I installed 5.10.20, the only available version in the grub menu is 5.10.19, strange.

Best regards.


From: Samuel Sieb
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 11:31 AM
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: A question about switching kernels


On 3/9/21 1:43 AM, Francisco Tissera wrote:

> Oh dear, all right, will see if i can get access to the grub menu, being

> blind, i guess I'll have to set the grub timeout to maybe 15 seconds,

> just to get it right.


> Is there a way to remove the old kernel, if i miraculusly manage to

> select the latest kernel, or is it unsafe?


You can remove any kernel that's not the running one.  But it shouldn't

be necessary.

Removing any kernel, sure.
But don’t do it on anyone referenced by your bootloader, or you’ll have to do some repair activities.


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