On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson <mellertson@gmail.com> wrote:
On 11/23/2011 03:57 AM, JB wrote:
> The purpose of a distro project is to deliver a product (not to maintain a test
> system OS), with implied quality, and for a user.
> It is time to blink.
> JB
And here I though different distributions were targeted to different
users, and not all the same. I did not know that Fedora was even
considered a product. I thought it was a test bed for new ideas and

Now, I would consider RedHat Linux a product. Ubuntu could also be
considered a product. To a lesser extent CentOS, and other
distributions based on RH Linux are products.

Just my thoughts on the subject...

  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

Um, I thought Red Hat was releasing a tested and supported system...and Fedora was just a test bed for the latest software and was only for those willing/desiring to take the chance/risk...and deal with bleeding edge software?  (...should there be more emphasis on bleeding?)  I think no one has room to complain (well, for the most part) of this paradigm/...  As for myself...yes I might have some worries with regards to basic file system changes (ext3/ext4/btrfs.../others?) and hope for no catastrophic results from using bleeding edge software.  But I have no worries about the rest and so far no insurmountable difficulties...and I have made my choice a very long time ago (I did start with RedHat 4.0 I think)...and I support Fedora (at least as a KDE user...)....


PS: I am not interested in creating any flame wars, accusations of troll baiting...I just want a system that I can use,,,and Fadora ( has mostly) done this for me.  I have never be a Gnome user, feels too locked down...difficult...excepting (for a brief period of time) when KDE 4.0 was released I have just been a KDE user with the Fedora base....then I tried Gnome, gave up and tried several other desktop managers for several months and then reverted to KDE once new versions were released.