Just wondering, do all Brother printers ship with Linux drivers?

On Apr 28, 2014 11:07 AM, "D. Hugh Redelmeier" <hugh@mimosa.com> wrote:
| From: Fred Smith <fredex@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>

| I'm using a Brother DCP7065DN at home, and it seems to work well with
| Linux, BUT you have to use Brother's drivers for it. The driver recommended
| by the RH printer tool didn't work for me.
| I've printed to it from Centos 6.5, Fedora 19, and Fedora 20, so far.
| I've used the scanner portion only from Centos, so far, where it did
| work.

I've used it with Fedora 18, 19, CentOS 5, and Ubuntu 12.04.

I just installed the drivers on my Fedora 20 system, and it's not
quite working.

First of all, I'm not sure the best way to talk over the network with
the printer.  Both of these URIs seem to work:

I think that the first uses the IPP protocol and the second is using
the old UNIX "line printer daemon" protocol.  Perhaps even HP's
jetdirect could be used.

I put holes in the firewall for IPP, IPP-client

In any case, printing works, but the settings are unreliable.

One print job came out as if I had legal size paper loaded (so there
was extra margin on the top and the bottom was chopped).

Another came out the single page image scrunched into a quarter of the
paper as if the software were trying to print four pages in one.

In both cases, the settings I specified were as I wanted them, not as
the result appeared.

I was using these drivers from the Brother site:

BTW, I was able to get scanning to work.  Mind you, I have only
scanned one page.  I had to hole the firewall:
        sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=54925-54926/udp
        sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=54925-54926/udp
In the past, the page sizing of scanning has been somewhat unreliable.  I
don't know if this is still true.
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