a silly question, how do you understand that a package is signed in any repo?? apart from the warning of dnf, of course....

Antonio Montagnani

Linux Fedora 24 (Workstation)
inviato da Gmail

2016-06-22 6:31 GMT+02:00 Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com>:

On 06/22/16 12:27, Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 06/21/2016 09:12 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 06/22/16 11:59, Gordon Messmer wrote:
>>> I'll admit that the risk is hypothetical, but what does rpmfusion's flux
>>> have to do with the risk of allowing unsigned packages?
>> It was only one package that was unsigned, and it came from rpmfusion, and they are in the
>> middle of putting up an new infrastructure.  So not unthinkable a package had slipped thru
>> unsigned.
> dnf stops at the first unsigned package.  All the rpmfusion F24 packages are currently
> in the updates-testing repository and are unsigned.

Right, and that is why I suggested I should have disable just the rpmfusion check.

In any event....  If you are worried, don't upgrade.  If you're not worried, upgrade.
Your choice.

You're Welcome Zachary Quinto