
It’s tricky to name a particular brand and type. What might be available for me, might be unobtainable for you, or vice-versa

A frequently heard advice, is to avoid heavily used channels, but I notice that more and more people switching over to hidden SSID, implying that easy tools on hand-helds and tablets are useless.


As a RF-engineer, I would suggest to use a type with detachable antenna’s, instead of those where the antenna is in the enclosure.

That gives you the possibility to replace one (or more) of them with either an (directional) antenna outside, or use a leaky coax through the building.




From: fred roller [mailto:fredroller66@gmail.com]
Sent: maandag 22 augustus 2016 4:11
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: Seeking advice on router.


As mentioned, range can be affected by many aspects.  25 ft for even the cheapest router is way short; I would be inclined to look for interference or simply placement.  Many a routers get put next to or behind things which nerf the range... oddest placement for me was putting a router near the main ventilation trunk for AC in the attic; acted as a conduit for the signal.  Also, look at the wireless devices in your house. Some may share the bandwidth of your router and be acting as jammers.  My 2 bits.




On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 3:49 AM, Ed Greshko <ed.greshko@greshko.com> wrote:

On 08/21/16 14:55, Sylvia Sánchez wrote:
> Just for your information, many of your emails got identified as Spam by Gmail.  I don't
> know why but I thought you would be interested to know.

Yes, this is known and has been discussed on this list multiple times over the years.

You can prevent this from happening on your end simply by adding a filter on gmail which a
match for "to: users@lists.fedoraproject.org" and an action of "Never send to Spam" (not
sure that is the exact phrase).

You're Welcome Zachary Quinto

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