On 2/11/24 10:30, Jonathan Billings wrote:
On Feb 10, 2024, at 19:05, Robert McBroom via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
I typically boot in mode 3 to a terminal. Fedora f39 going to lxde as the desktop. Today with a cold boot and entering  the user login the following message showed


System is going down. Unprivileged users are not permitted to log in anymore , for technical details see pam_nologin(8)


Further messages indicated that some updates were being installed. After some minutes the system rebooted.

Everything known has been done to prevent any automatic updates with manual dnf being used as needed. The pam_login module looks for the existence of

/etc/nologin or


What is updating files without a command  and writing these entries?
You mentioned you disabled DNF auto updates, but is the packagekit-offline-updates.service unit running?  That can also perform updates (via PackageKit->dnf) and reboot.  Perhaps the login shell was somehow added to the system-update.target?

It’s worth looking at the journal at that time to see what was running.  This isn’t a completely unsolvable mystery, all the actions will be in the journal.
]# systemctl status packagekit
○ packagekit.service - PackageKit Daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/packagekit.service; static)
   Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
    Active: inactive (dead)

~]# systemctl status system-update.target
○ system-update.target - Offline System Update
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/system-update.target; static)
    Active: inactive (dead)