On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Alain Roger <raf.news@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Christopher A. Williams <chriswfedora@cawllc.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 14:58 +0100, Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there someone who experienced issue running Fedora 10 on VMWare
> 6.5 ?
> for example when i switch on the effects for desktop, everything
> becomes black or white... and i can reinstall the whole F10 :-(

Unfortunately, the VMware video drivers for F10 do not support the
required acceleration needed to run Desktop Effects when running F10 in
a VM on Workstation 6.5. That's why you're getting the blank white

F10 in a VM on Workstation 6.5 + Desktop Effects = Bad Idea.



I'm reopening this issue not as such but as complementary information.
when i run F10 (without desktop effect) under KDE, it always starts in 800x600 under VMWare 6.5 whereas last session i set it up to 1200 x 800 or to 1152 x 864.
moreover, i setup the KDE Manager to display the same login windows as F10 KDE live... but nothing is displayed.

so where could be the problem ?
