
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 5:55 PM, <sergiocmailbox-fedorausers@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

--- Em qua, 30/5/12, jdow <jdow@earthlink.net> escreveu:

> De: jdow <jdow@earthlink.net>
> Assunto: Re: Can I remove sendmail?
> Para: sergiocmailbox-fedorausers@yahoo.com.br, "Community support for Fedora users" <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Data: Quarta-feira, 30 de Maio de 2012, 12:04
> On 2012/05/30 04:58, sergiocmailbox-fedorausers@yahoo.com.br
> wrote:
> > Hi, we have the sendmail.service enabled by default
> even in the minimal installation.
> > I only use Thunderbird as my email client.
> > May I uninstall sendmail? Is it needed for something
> I'm not aware of?
> >
> > Regards.
> Logwatch and other periodic email messages from the system
> to the root
> user (or his designee) will get lost. I embraced this folly
> years ago
> and had to reinstall SOME mail program. I suppose PostFix
> would do as
> well as SendMail.
> {^_^}

Oh yes, that's what I had in the back of my mind when I asked the question.
So back to enable it again.

Just for the record, I used to do this after every Fedora installation:

yum install postfix
yum remove sendmail
chkconfig postfix on
service postfix start

(well, I still do this -- just did for F17 -- but now 'chkconfig' and 'service' should be replaced by their systemd counterparts)

Works like a charm, as jdow posted, postfix is configured to replace sendmail completely.

