On 08/27/2012 01:44 AM, Sjoerd Mullender wrote:
On 2012-08-27 08:39, Frank Murphy wrote:
Today being Monday:
45 5 22-28 * * test 'date +\%A' = Sunday && yum -v clean plugins

Nothing appears to have happened. (no email to root, usual cron stuff)
So taking the bit from "test" eg:
test 'date +\%A' = Sunday && blkid (all days in turn)
blkid doesn't run

Where have I slipped up

You're using the wrong quotes.  As it stands, your comparing the string
"date +%A" with the string "Sunday".  Presumably what you want is to
compare the output of the command "date +%S" with the string "Sunday".
You need to use "backticks" for that:
test `date +\%A` = Sunday
You're not getting output because the test fails and so yum never gets
executed.  All of that happens in silence, hence no mail to root.
You can check you cron log /var/log/cron to see that the command did

Not sure if this will help you ... but here's how I run my jobs on the first Sunday of the month.

23      1       1-7     *       *       [ `date +\%a` == "Sun" ] && /root/send-monthly-emails