Gave it a shot, like the others mentioned - the site is extremely slow in responding. Doesn't seem to be network related, looks like server load issues.

That said, it didn't work for me using Gnash on a Fedora 8 kick I installed to test it for you, but it does work on Fedora 10 x64 beta flash plugin from Adobe. Gnash hasn't worked properly for most sites using flash for me on 10, which is why I made the switch. I didn't test Gnash on F10 on the site, since the Adobe plugin worked properly. Good luck, maybe somebody else can give that a go!


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Simon Slater <> wrote:

On Fri, 2008-12-26 at 20:18 +1100, Simon Slater wrote:
>       Merry Christmas All.
>               An urgent but not life-or-death question.  I went to
> to check the race
> progress but the yacht tracker downloaded but doesn't run.  Right
> clicking shows it is using gnash.  Where do I start looking?
>       I am using F8, gnash- and firefox The race
> finishes on Sunday morning, hence the urgency :).  If someone can point
> me in the right direction I'll start chasing it tomorrow.  If someone
> could verify that gnash works on this site, that would be a start.  This
> site worked with flash for last year's race, so I could always swap over
> to that.
>       Seasons greetings
       Well, some joy during the night.  I refreshed the page late last night
and the plot of yachts is showing.  But this morning it has not
refreshed itself, the refresh plot button doesn't seem to work, nor do
the the zoom, favourites etc seem to work.  Firefox was set to block
popups, so have enabled that for this site.  I'll wait till after
breakfast and if no response by then I'll refresh the page again.

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