yes, also tried startxfce4 (which I imagine startx also indirectly calls).  both act the same, and same xfc* processes are running.

 No good.  XFCE display is just 'not right', and most gui apps refuse to allow resize, etc.

 Interestingly, the xscreensaver (with password prompt) seems to look just fine.

 Somehow, i expect the XFCE/FC37-specific configs just aren't being restored.  I also deleted all ~/.configs/xfce4* files, etc before XFCE removal and reinstall.  Perhaps this extends into the base X11 stuff as well?

  (I wonder why/when dnf removed their "-force" switch (for install) ?)


On 4/9/2023 4:11 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 04/09/2023 02:34 PM, Ron Flory via users wrote:

  Note: I start FC37 in text-mode (lightdm), and only run X when I need it by running 'startx'.

First, you should really be using startxfce4, but if startx works, it's not important.  Second, are you doing this in text mode, without ever having started Xfce?  If not, try it that way as it might make a difference.
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