
Try webalizer:


Alfonso Ramírez B.
Bogotá, Colombia

Mike Rambour wrote:
 I am looking for something that can run on my web server and give me information on my web traffic in real time, preferably a GUI but could be textual.  I like xosview for giving me info on the status of my computer and been playing with gkrellm but I want to know how many FTP users and HTTP users I have at any one time.  I would LOVE to have it go down to what web pages are open but that might be too much of a performance hit.  This is a small web site that gets about 200 hits a day sitting on 2.8ghz pc and a gig of ram with Fedora Core 2 so I assume it could handle a graphic application giving me that info.

 I have found a few "for purchase" ones but its just a car club web site.  Right now I am occasionally viewing the access logs to see what is going on during the day.  The site is brand new been up 1 day and I am a total newbie.  The site had been hosted at a ISP for the last few years and its now at my home.  I installed Fedora 2, and turned off everything I could think of since I am not a security person.  I will need to allow FTP soon and the only thing I allowed in iptables for now is SSH and HTTP everything else is off and I even turned off sendmail in the services so its not even running, I think I am good to go but I just want to check it out.
