Dear All,

I don't think this is normal but I will like to know if anyone is experiencing high memory usage from gnome-shell, a week ago was the first time I saw it and to be honest, I can't say it this is something recent of if it has always been this memory hungry.

After having my laptop with Fedora 24 on for three days I can see that the memory consumed by gnome-shell is over 2GB and a week ago it was consuming 6GB.

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                                                            
  2028 eramirez  20   0 4281540 2.169g  92676 S  10.9 13.9  59:43.98 gnome-shell 

Is anyone experiencing this problem?

Kind Regards
Earl Ramirez