On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 3:13 AM, mike cloaked <mike.cloaked@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 7:05 PM, mike cloaked <mike.cloaked@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now downloading the live image linked from the test day page and will
> use that as soon as I get a block of time to test.

I did take an hour this evening to run a test on a laptop which has
nVidia Corporation G86M [Quadro FX 360M] graphics and almost all the
tests passed so I was quite impressed at this stage of the game! (Yes
I have added a line to the test matrix)

There are some things that are no longer there that I am not enamoured
with though, and one is that I have relied on for quite some time is
gnome-applet-netspeed to give me an instantaneous indication of
download speed when I am pulling files - since gnome applets will not
be supported in gnome 3 there appears no way, that I am aware of, to
get the same functionality in gnome 3 - unless someone can tell me
what I have missed?

I don't expect GNOME 3.0 to be functionally equivalent to GNOME  2.x.    GNOME Shell does support extensions and I hope some of them cover the common use cases over time.  Netspeed is something I depend on as well
