On Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 21:05, Clifford Snow <clifford@snowandsnow.us> wrote:
I have two libgdal 
/usr/gdal30/lib/libgdal.so.26 -> libgdal.so.26.0.4

Removing the gdal30 version solved the problem. Interesting - I grep gdal from dnf list installed and gdal30 never showed up.

Maybe related to postgis:


Linux is starting to suffer from the Windows disease where apps install a version of gdal configured with some feature that the distro left out.
I use software from the European Space Agency that installs private versions of gdal2 and gdal3. It may be that /usr/gdal30 was meant to be $APPDIR/usr/gdal30 but $APPDIR was lost.  

Windows is much worse because the first dynamic library that gets loaded will be used by other apps.  Windows GIS users may have more than
6 different gdal installations, so depending on which app was used first different things break.

You should check /etc/ld.so.conf and the referenced files for undesirable changes.    

Thank you very much.

Glad I could help.  I fear this sort of issue is becoming all too common on linux.  
 George N. White III