On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 10:09 PM Philip Rhoades via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On 2023-09-17 07:19, wwp wrote:
> Hello Philip,
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2023 22:12:02 +1000 Philip Rhoades via users
> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> I want to scroll through doc pages in a script loop doing a screenshot
>> for each page eg the procedure would be:
>> 1. Display the first page of the doc you want to screenshot.
>> 2. Hit CTRL-PrtScrn (say) to start the script loop.
>>     The script does a screenshot of the current screen.
>>     The Right Arrow or PageDn key is sent from the script to advance
>> the doc to the next page.
>>     The script continues to loop . .
>> 3. The script is stopped by CTRL-C (say).
>> Is this possible?  Should I be trying to do this from Sway?
> What file format is your document?

A proprietary one which isn't easily convertible.

> Couldn't you "just" export pages to
> another (image) format?


> IOW, why do you want to make *screenshots*?

To OCR them to text to create multi-page PDFs.

And presumably spend time on font changes, headers, footers, 
etc.   Is there an index?

I have used strings to get the text and then added (LaTeX)
markup to produce PDF's.   OCR is much better now, but
still makes mistakes, so careful proofreading is needed.  Are
you planning to correct typos in the original text?   Do you want
to reproduce the contents of each page?   One reason for converting
to LaTeX was to get ligatures and kerning and a more readable and
compact font to reduce the number of pages and hence printing costs.

George N. White III