On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:30 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. <eoconnor25@gmail.com> wrote:
Will have to figure out which one will be a server...a storage machine....etc.

Linux is linux.... you will learn that after fiddling with several distros.
Each will have its own arrangement of icons, desktop manager, choice of pre-installed packages, but in the end... all are Linux... usually with the same applications available from its repos....

So, it´s always wise to "KISS" (Keep it simple, s...eriously)

I have chosen fedora because:

1. It´s got a large users community, so software is tested by hundreds of thosands (millions?) of eyes, and bugs are identified faster and solutions-bugfixes workarounds arribe quicker
2. it´s as close to ´bleding edge´ (latest versions of gnome, etc) as comfortably possible, without being alpha-quality software
3. being one of the "top 3" distros (Fedora, Ubuntu, SUSE), I never ran across a piece of software that I wanted to install that didn t have a fedora rpm available.
4. it´s got corporate backing/funding so its long-term prospects are somewhat secure.

Of course there´s tons of niche ´community´ distros but IMHO it´s akin to flying in a small single-engine fumigation airplane that takes off from an unpaved runway... you can get your own ´custom´ flight experience and custom decorated airplane but you can´t really blame anyone or expect top level service when things go wrong... specially in points #1 and #3 above...

So, I´d rather fly United... ;) er... Fedora