On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Timothy Murphy <gayleard@eircom.net> wrote:
Ed Greshko wrote:

>> I had a little program which I ran each day
>> as a cron job to mail me the IP address of a machine
>> in a different country.
>> In any case, the program has ceased to work
>> because the site heliohost seems to have gone off-line.
>> I wonder if anyone knows of an alternative site
>> which I could substitute?
>> Or an alternative program?

> On the other hand, I did another thing once upon a time....but simply
> used a shell script and the output from ifconfig with a bit of grepping
> and cutting.

ifconfig only seems to give the local 192.168.*.* address.
Is there some way of getting it to tell the true IP address?

(The remote machine is attached to an ADSL modem.
I can get the IP address by accessing the modem,
but I am not sure how I could automate this.
I guess I could use lynx, and try to abstract the address ...)

Why don't you just sign for a free dynamic DNS service, such as noip or dyndns?

They can point a hostname to a dynamic or static IP address or URL.



Paulo Roma Cavalcanti