On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 2:09 PM, Amitakhya Phukan <aphukan@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Joe Zeff <joe@zeff.us> wrote:
On 07/01/2015 08:51 PM, Amitakhya Phukan wrote:
Recently I have seen that whenever I boot up my system, F22, it goes to
a text prompt (I assume all processes for runlevel 5  are complete) and
displays "Please enter root password to continue" and then after around
30-40 seconds, it displays the GDM. I am at a loss as to what is causing
this and I don't know where to start debugging this issue.

Have you looked at /var/log/boot.log, and if so, is there anything interesting there?

I am looking into it. I am not finding anything interesting there. It even doesn't record the messages in the same order as is displayed.

Also, another funny thing I have seen. While in GNOME session, if I hit ctrl-F1, it goes for screen lock. ctrl-f2 has no effect. I can get tty only on ctrl-f3 and on. Has there been any change yet ?

Here is a screenshot btw. Hope this can tell you something.

I don't know what exactly to search in the logs.

Sorry ... the attachment was too big. Here is the link --  http://pasteboard.co/1EzS7zzH.jpg

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Best regards,
Amitakhya Phukan

Best regards,
Amitakhya Phukan