
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:23 PM, lee wrote:
Then they should do it again.

That is a Debian maintainers decision.

> That doesn't mean that users shouldn't get to vote.

It just means voting isn't how distribution choose system components.

>   Switching to something
because there is no alternative means that it wasn't possible to make a
choice.  Am I to assume that all major distributions were forced to use

Forced?  This is open source software.  If distributions wanted to have alternatives they are free to develop one or continue maintaining things like ConsoleKit.  They voluntarily choose to use systemd because it was the best maintained choice
I don't know about logind.  Why would that be required?  I can still log
in without just fine when systemd isn't used.

Perhaps you should look up what logind does yourself to understand why it is required.  It is fairly basic information if you want to engage in a debate about systemd.
