On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 14:36, Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin@fastmail.us> wrote:

On 2021-01-25 09:22, John Pilkington wrote:
> A quick search found 'espeak'.  It seems to be installed on my el7 and
> Fedora 32 boxes and there was an article about it in the Fedora
> Magazine August 14, 2017
> https://fedoramagazine.org/add-speech-fedora-system/
> I haven't tried it, but it might be worth a look.
Espeak was the first I tried and it had essentially the same voice
problem, someone mentioned Orca and I went off on another tangent. it
too is unintelligible on my system. I should try Espeak again but I
suspect Orca is a variation of the same program, the items offered for
configuration are similar if not the same it appears ...

more to think about, thanks,      Bob

I once used text to speech alerts for  things that needed immediate 
attention (server room overtemp, file server or satellite receiver 
gone offline).   It was cheaper than a pager and no paperwork was 
required.  At the time, festival had better voices than espeak (and 
festival currently has a Fedora package).

[Note for anyone thinking about getting involved with earth observation
satellites -- avoid sensors that don't require daylight and you will get
to keep more normal working hours.]

George N. White III