Yesterday, I posted some questions about Firefox and Flatpak.

I am saddened to report, that I can not get anything to print from Firefox using
the flatpak version from Flathub.

I have not deep-dived into this yet.

But I end up having to download the item and open it in Gnome Files,
and print from there.

So I answered another one of my questions the hard-way.

Newbies will likely encounter problems with flatpaks that they do not understand,
nor know how to troubleshoot, and might even go as far as buying a copy
of Windows.

On a not-so-related note,

the other computer that I have access to is a ACER Chromebase computer ( not a Chromebook ),
and I love it.    So unless you don't mind Google and the SEE-EYE-EHH
watching you, and you are not needing a powerful computer, I would recommend
at least playing with the LInux container in that ( assuming you are willing to waste
$ 600 ).    I guess you could always take it back to the store afterwards and get a refund.

David Locklear