On Tue, 30 Jun 2020 at 14:04, Matti Pulkkinen <mkjpul@utu.fi> wrote:
stan via users kirjoitti 30.6.2020 klo 16.28:
> I think other replies have pinpointed your problem.  I don't use Gnome
> (LXDE) or alternative sources of packages (plain RPMs, always dnf from a
> virtual console), so forget to think about that as a source of
> problems. I use the version of audacity that comes from RPMFusion, or
> compile it from the project source repository. Either way, I get a
> version that works as I described.
> I'm surprised that Gnome would be providing a version with such
> shortcomings.  You would do everyone a favor if you opened a bugzilla
> against Gnome describing your problem so they can fix the version they
> are providing.  I find no existing bug.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/

Sorry, but I'm a little confused now. I'm not sure what component
exactly I'm supposed to file the bug against. Do I file it against Gnome
Software specifically, or against something else? Is there a way to file
a bug specifically against a flatpak?

One other question: Gnome Software says the Audacity package I installed
was a flatpak, but when I go to registry.fedoraproject.org where this
flatpak is supposedly coming from, I see that Audacity is supposed to be
pulled down with either podman or docker. What's going on here?

https://discourse.flathub.org/ is a forum where people report problems and
often get a response of the form "we know about the problem and are
working on it".   

George N. White III