Il giorno mer, 14/06/2023 alle 08.15 -0700, stan via users ha scritto:
On Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:38:46 +0200
"ogio.spam" <> wrote:

Hi all,
I experience a long time after password to obtain the desktop ready.
Just to be clear, the problem is only with a user. Another user is not
showing this behaviour.

The good user is a new fresh user, the not working is a user with the
home directory copied from an old Fedora with KDE.

I worked on startup, removing all of them, but the problem is still

There is a way to check what is appening after enter password?

I don't know of a way.  But, what you could do is create a new user,
and validate that login is fast.  Then, one by one move over the
configuration items from the failing user to the new user's home
directory.  One of them will be the cause of this.  It might be in the
.bashrc or .bash_profile files if they are complex, so you would have to
comment lines to narrow it down.
I have a lot of data in my home that it's not a good idea to start transfer things to a new user.
I can survive to the delay (5-10 sec) but I would like to identify what is missing (so I can evenually remove o install it if I really need).
bashrc and profile are related to console, and in this case the problem is before to gain a working desktop session.

The delay is probably that you are requesting something that is timing
out.  That might be a service that no longer exists.
Also services are not related to specific user, so I think it's not a good way to start.
Maybe I'm wrong, let me know what you think about.
