tnx. Removed both packages and updating is proceeding

Antonio Montagnani

Linux Fedora 29 Workstation
da/from Gmail

Il giorno gio 27 dic 2018 alle ore 19:28 Andy Blanchard <> ha scritto:
On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 at 18:22, Antonio M <> wrote:
> during an upgrade of one of my systems I get:
> Errore:
>  Problema 1: package AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i486 requires /bin/basename, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - coreutils-8.29-7.fc28.i686 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package AdobeReader_ita-8.1.7-1.i486
>  Problema 2: package coreutils-8.29-7.fc28.i686 requires coreutils-common = 8.29-7.fc28, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - package jre1.8.0_111-1.8.0_111-fcs.i586 requires /bin/basename, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - coreutils-common-8.29-7.fc28.i686 does not belong to a distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package jre1.8.0_111-1.8.0_111-fcs.i586
> any idea???

It's a packaging bug, of sorts, to do with the location of the
basename binary.  Quickest workaround is to uninstall the two
packages, perform the upgrade, then re-install the two packages again.
Alternatively, you could switch to OpenJDK and an alternative PDF
reader of your choice, but that depends on your usage case.


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